2020 Frequently Asked Questions
"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass but learning to dance in the rain."-Vivian Greene
How is Kesher determining its safety guidelines?
Kesher is licensed to provide school-age childcare by the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care (EEC). This is the same entity that oversees all preschools and daycare centers in the state. In early July, they came out with mandatory Covid-19 guidelines, which we are required to follow.
How many students and teachers will be in each class?
Can classes mix with one another?
The EEC guidelines dictate that we can have no more than 13 students per class. Each class will be connected to two teachers who will take turns with the students. Classes will not be able to mix with one another, even during free time.
Will my child have to wear a mask while at Kesher?
Yes. According to EEC guidelines, all children over the age of 2 need to wear a mask. We will take mask breaks when eating and resting (6 feet apart) preferably outdoors for as long as the weather will allow.
What other safety precautions is Kesher taking?
Students will sit 6 feet apart as much as possible.
We will keep windows open and fans going as much as possible to allow circulation of fresh air.
Students will work in small consistent groups in order to minimize exposure.
We will spend as much time as possible outdoors.
Extra hand washing when entering the building, before and after eating.
Hand sanitzer stations in every room and throughout the building.
High-touch surfaces will be cleaned and sanitized throughout the day.
Bathroom use is one at a time, and its high touch surfaces will be cleaned throughout the day.
Students and staff who are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19 are asked to stay home. Anyone who develops symptoms while at Kesher will be dismissed immediately. Children will wait with a member of the Kesher staff outside or in a designated isolation room.
Please click here for the EEC parent guide regarding Covid-19 regulations.
What will drop-off and pick-up look like?
Parents/guardians and any adult who is not part of the core Kesher staff, will not be permitted inside the Kesher building in order to minimize the amount of adults in the building and avoid crowding. (This is opposite of our warm, Kesher community which is often built among the adults during pick-up time. We will find new ways to for us all to connect!)
Parents and students will be greeted at the Kesher door, where someone will check you in. Parents must sign an online form daily attesting that their children do not have Covid-19 symptoms. A member of the Kesher staff will help student get to their class where they will be greeted by their teacher.
How will my children particpate in chugim or all-school activities?
Kesher has invested in large screen smart TV's for all of its classrooms. Sometimes we will have "all-school" zoom sessions, zoom in a guest speaker or teacher (from down the hall, or from the other side of the world!). Activities like dance will take place outside for as long as possible.